What is this website?? What Did You Just Stumble Onto??

Some General information about this website, the intentions behind it, and the content it contains

The Purpose of this Site

This website was created for multiple reasons. 1. So I could have a personal place on the web I can fully customize 2. So that I can have a place on the web to store my thoughts, feelings, photos, and art outside of modern/mainstream socal media 3. To provide resources and guides for others for making websites, doing art, gaming, fashion/aesthetic, and more~!

Viewer Discretion Is advised

Don't let my cute aesthetics fool you, this site was 100% created by an adult! Since this website hosts my blog, gallery, and status updates viewer discretion is advised. Some of my posts or photos may only be suitable for an adult audience.

Updates and Posts May Be Infrequent

I work full time, have a multitude of other hobbies, like to hangout with friends, and go on adventures. I don't have time to do webdev all the time! Please be patient and understanding about site updates


This site should display fine on most/all desktop, laptop, and tablet screens. Mobile compatability and responsiveness are still a work in progress!