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My Blog is coming soon! Can't wait to start posting on it ^_^

Welcome to Cutie Succubus

It looks like you've reached the homepage for my personal website and blog! This is my cozy coding playground and virtual self expression project~! This website was created to store my personal thoughts, feelings, emotions, and memories online without having to deal with the dystopian hassle of modern social media.

This site was also created to be a place to share resources for coding, art, alternative fashion, and mental health. I'm really glad you took the time to view my page. I hope that as this page grows it can be a place you can go to to feel cozy, cute and calm as well as a place where you can learn a new thing or two!

Some Random Info

Please read my About page to learn more

What's New

9.8.24 Theme changer has been added to the sidebar! New themes will be added over time~! Also, the virtual room page has been updated to fit into the iframe! New pages will be added to it soon.

7.28.24 A new About Page has been added giving more info about this site and the content it will contain ! Also an 88x31 button representing my site has been added to the side bar!➡ If you like my site please consider linking back!

6.30.24 Many new pages have been added! Micky's Room, About Me, Page Deco, E-Shrine Room, and Site Map! Check back here for more page updates as the site fills out.

Latest Blog Posts

Games I'm Currently Playing (August 2024)

July 28, 2024

To be honest with you I'm currently in my home body era. I feel social burn out way more quickly these days, and I just feel a lot safer and comfier at home with my partner and my cats. Lately I've gotten into gaming a lot more! I set up a.......

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Welcome To My Plush Life

July 28, 2024

I spent several months coding this blog and trying to learn more about javascript and CSS while I also juggled working full time and playing new (and old) games.......

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Fields of Mistria


THE CONTORTIONIST by Melanie Martinez


Chedder Bay Biscuits


Low Braided Buns


G Fuel Peach Rings // Dragonfruit Lemonade


Brand New Eyes Paramore


Mainstays Crispy Treats Candle



To Do List

  • Blog
  • About This Site</li>
  • Contests and Jams
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