Welcome To My Plush Life

July 28th, 2024 // 12:05am

Image Source: Niidsch on Tumblr

I Made A New Blog From Scratch

I spent several months coding this blog and trying to learn more about javascript and CSS while I also juggled working full time and playing new (and old) games. I'm finally (somewhat) satisfied with how it has turned out so I decided to finally publish it! Learning javascript was an especially bumpy ride and I still have a lot to learn, but just because it was challenging doesn't mean it wasn't fun!!

Originally I was planning on turning this blog into a template for other people to use to help encourage more people to create a personal website/blog because I love reading blogs and wish more people would do it! However, the more I started to work on the layout, style, and script, the more I realized I have so much more to learn and I think it would be better for me to study more about JS before trying to put out complex templates for other people to use.

I still would like to put out some more simple website and blog templates with different/unique kinds of layouts (especially since so many people on neocities use the sadgrl layout. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that and I used it before too! It would just be nice to see a bit more variety), so please look forward to seeing them on my main site some time in the future.

So What Will This Blog Be About?

There are many different topics, interests, and media I would like to post about on this blog! Some of them include:


I play games on Switch and PC and wanna post about my progress with different games as well as review new games I try, especially indie games! I also recently got back into playing retro games with emulators and got a Steam Deck for my birthday, so now I'm playing games more than ever and have a lot of fun things to share~! I like to mod games I play like Stardew Valley and The Sims, I'd love to use this blog as a place to share the mods I use and resources for how to mod games like that in general.

Fashion and Aesthetics

I'm very into alternative fashion (both cute and goth) and a variety of different alternative aesthetics! This blog will serve as a place for me to log my different outfits, share links for different alternative clothes and accessories, write about new and emerging fashions and aesthetics, and give a glimps into my life as someone who wears alt/cute fashion on a regular basis.

Self Care (Physical)

I really love taking care of my body, my skin, and my type 4a hair. I also love getting all dolled up and sparkly with makeup. I want to spread this love with others online, so many of my future blog posts will be about physical self care. It's a big part of my life and something I practice very often!

Self Care (Mental)

I spent many years in therapy when I was younger and I was diagnosed with bpd and c-ptsd. Since then I have tried to take mental wellness seriously so I can live a fulfilling life, a consistent work life, and have meaningful relationships. I'd like to use this blog to share resources and tips for mindfulness as well as log my journey to live a rich, fulfilling life despite my diagnosis. I will not suffer from mental illness I will live and survive with mental illness.

Web Dev and Web Browsing

I am new to the personal/indie web as well as learning new things about HTML, CSS, and javascript on a regular basis, so I want to log cool things I discover and learn on this blog! There's so many cool and inspiring things online to explore outside of social media. I hope the things I share here can help other people discover cool parts of the internet too


Finally, I'd love to use this blog to give my thoughts and feelings on different media I consume. This will include albums, movies, songs, and tv shows. My taste in media is extremely versatile so there will be a variety of different genres discussed here. I like to consume media with an artistic lense (I pay close attention to lighting, camera angles, sound design, special effects, graphic design, acting, voice acting, singing techniques, instrumentals etc etc) so I hope my opinions can be interesting to read for some~!

I can't wait to fill this space up with all kinds of posts! I'm very excited for this lovely online space and outlet. Thanks so much for reading to the end~!

Xoxo, Love Micky


Slice of Life